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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway (Amazon GC) - Loving You - Allie Everhart

Book Blitz

Loving You by Allie Everhart 
(Jade #3) 
Publication date: December 12th 2013
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult


Loving You (Jade #3)
Since meeting Garret on her first night at college, Jade’s had to overcome many obstacles to be with him, including interference from Garret’s father. 

Now, months later, it seems that Mr. Kensington has finally accepted Jade dating his son, but the reason for that is unclear. After what Jade witnessed at the Kensington mansion, she’s not sure what his acceptance of her means. Is she tied to his family forever now that she knows some of their darkest secrets?
Spring semester begins at Moorhurst College and a new student arrives who has a little too much interest in Garret’s family. And a little too much interest in Jade. 

Garret continues to win Jade’s heart with romantic gestures that make her love him even more. It seems like everything is starting to work out for Jade, but as her mother used to say...Good things never last. Or do they?

Note: This is a New Adult novel and contains mature language and situations.

Description of The Jade Series
The Jade Series is a New Adult Romance that follows the relationship of Jade and Garret in their first year of college. In Choosing You, (book 1), Jade and Garret meet on Jade’s first night at Moorhurst College and despite their strong attraction to each other, they’re not allowed to date because of the strict rules that control Garret’s life. In Knowing You, (book 2), Garret breaks the family rules and begins dating Jade. Their relationship grows deeper but issues from Jade’s past complicate matters. Loving You (book 3) shows Jade and Garret growing closer as a couple but also hints at the trouble that lies ahead in Promising You (book 4), which comes out late January 2014, and wraps up the storyline.


“Come check this out.” Garret opens the drapes in the living room. It’s dark out so he turns the outside lights on and I see that we have our own private patio complete with reclining chairs and a small hot tub. 
We go outside and I lie down on one of the chairs. “Can I sleep out here?” 
He laughs. “No. I wouldn’t be able to sleep next to you.”
There’s a knock on the door to the room. Garret leaves to answer it, but I stay outside breathing in the salty ocean air. 
“Close your eyes.” Garret’s outside again, but he’s standing behind me so I can’t see him. 
“I’m afraid to. What are you doing?”
“You don’t trust me? That hurts, Jade.” He’s kidding, but I play along.
“I’m sorry. I totally trust you. My eyes are closed.”
“Now open your mouth.”
“Why? What are you feeding me? Is it green? Because I don’t eat green foods.”
He’s laughing again. “It’s not green. God, I swear you’re the worst person to surprise. You need to relax and just go with it.”
I open my mouth and he puts a small square of something in it. Chocolate. The creamiest, richest chocolate I’ve ever tasted.
“Good, right?”
I open my eyes and see him sitting in the chair next to me unwrapping his own piece of chocolate. 
“Really good. Where did you get these?”
“They’re from Belgium. From this really small store in Brussels. My dad brought a box of these back from a trip a few years ago. I’d never had chocolate that tasted that good. I thought you might like it so I ordered some.”
“This is definitely the best chocolate I’ve ever had.”
“Try this.” He holds up a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries.
I take a bite of a ripe, sweet strawberry dipped in that same Belgian chocolate.
“Those are so good. I need to have another.” 
He hands me a strawberry. “I just realized I’m being a total cliché. The guy who buys his girlfriend chocolate and flowers for Valentine’s Day and takes her to a fancy hotel. Is that lame?”
“It’s not lame. I love it. This is my first Valentine’s Day. I want all the clichés.”
“Well, next year I’ll do something completely different.”
“So no flowers and chocolate? Because I kind of like those things, especially the chocolate.”
“I agree. The chocolate must remain. But the rest will be different.”
“You know you didn’t have to do all this. The flowers in my room would have been enough.”
He slips his hand into mine and says simply, “I had to show you the ocean.” 


Buy Links for Loving You
Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

Buy Links for Knowing You
Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

Buy Links for Choosing You
Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo


Allie Everhart writes about dating, love, and romance. She’s also a freelance writer for magazines and websites. Before freelancing, she was a book editor for a publishing company where she worked on several NYT bestselling nonfiction books. She loves to read as much as she loves to write. And when she’s not reading or writing, she’s outside running, which is when she gets her best book ideas.

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