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Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway - Break in Two - MJ Summers

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Romantic. Witty. Sexy as Hell.

Thirty-one year old Claire Hatley is running from Seattle having just discovered that her live-in boyfriend has traded her in for a twenty-two year old hostess. Devastated and alone Claire must make a fresh start. She answers an ad for a chef at a guest ranch in Colorado Springs and finds herself face to face with Cole Mitchell, quite possibly the sexiest man to ever ride a horse. Common sense tells them to stay away from each other, but their attraction is not to be denied. He gives her a glimpse of what love should be, but just as she starts to trust him, the past comes back to tear them apart.

Join Claire and Cole as they embark on the stormy love affair of a lifetime.

(Oh...and for those of you with husbands/boyfriends, please tell them “you’re welcome” from MJ.)

Praise for Break in Two

“MJ Summers new release had me gripped from the very start. I really wasn’t expecting anything quite like this! A scintillating tale filled with all the erotic goodness you could ever want.”
~ Bestselling author Cliff Roberts
“What a tale! I loved it and my wife couldn’t put it down. This is one for the Kindle.”
~ Tim Northway - Bestselling author of Total Amnesia
“I loved every juicy second of this one!”
~ Julie Cooper Brown - Author of The Dead Live On
5 out of 5 Stars. The best book you will read all year!...A wonderful story that twists and turns and never lets up for a second, every page is a new experience, and I reached the end before I knew it... Setting the bar high with her debut novel, MJ Summers has all of the skills necessary to cement her name at the top of the ladder."

~ Alex Laybourne - Author of Highway to Hell

A Review by Carol

Book – Break in Two
Author – M. J. Summers
Publication Date – November 5, 2013
Type – Stand Alone
Genre – Romance
Rating – 3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by Author (Blog Tour) in exchange for an honest review.

This was a long book and at times I was ready to put it down.  Part one of the book drug on in my opinion and had too many sex scenes. I know, I know – there isn’t such a thing as too much sex, but I just found it repetitive and also found myself skimming over those parts.

I’m glad I didn’t give up though, because by the second part – I was engrossed.  I wanted to know what happened next and kept making excuses to go somewhere quiet to see what happened with Claire and Cole.

There was one thing about the story that didn’t sit right with me though.  I didn’t agree with how fast everything was resolved between Claire and Cole. I think Claire should have felt hurt and wouldn’t feel at ease being cast as the second fiddle.  What if things happened different back at the ranch and Cole wasn’t set free?  Claire didn’t think about that – in my eyes, Cole would have redeemed himself by going for Claire before the shit hit the fan…proving how important she was to him.

Overall it was a cute romance and story with a bit of angst and heartbreak.

Claire just finds out that her lover, Antonio has traded her in for a younger, thinner model and she takes off to start over as a chef for a Dude Ranch.  She’s not expecting the owner to be a gorgeous cowboy who seems just as mesmerized by her.  The two try to keep it professional but the sexual pull between them is just too powerful.

Claire has some issues she must deal with first before starting a healthy relationship and they are self-esteem and trust.  She still remembers how Antonio constantly put her down for her weight, her sense of humor and her looks.  Plus how can she trust another man from not straying to younger girls. Cole takes this all in stride and does his best to make Claire feel as beautiful as he sees her – it doesn’t take long for these two to step up the relationship.


Just as everything seems to be picture perfect in Cole and Claire’s life and love, a surprise visit happens which puts a major glitch in their lives.

Will Cole and Claire make it through this obstacle?  What about their HEA?

If you can get past the first half of the book, the second half is fast paced and full of emotions that will keep you engrossed.

Meet the Author

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MJ Summers currently resides in Canada, not far from the Rocky Mountains, with her husband, three young children and their goofy dog. When she's not writing, she loves running, reading (of course),going for dinner with her girlfriends, swimming and camping with her family.
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