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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Never Stopped Loving You (Chester Farms #1) - Keri Ford

A Review by Carol

Book – Never Stopped Loving You (Chester Farms #1)
Author – Keri Ford
Publication Date - December 2, 2013
Type - Stand Alone Series
Genre - Romance
Rating - 4 out of 5 Stars

ARC provided by Carina Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


At eighteen, Kara Duncan had already made her fair share of mistakes, choosing the wrong boy and earning herself a bad reputation in the process. Hurt and humiliated, she'd packed up and moved on, sure that everyone in Bella Warren, Arkansas, would be better off without her. She'd planned never to return, but when crisis strikes, she has nowhere else to turn.

After seven years, Wade Chester thought his feelings for Kara were finally ancient history. Until he sees her again, standing on his front porch just as she'd done a million times before. She needs his help—and his family's crops—if her canning business is going to survive. The rest of his family has let bygones be bygones, so why is it so hard for him to let go of the past?

While Kara claims to be interested only in putting things right, the old heat flaring between them is undeniable. But Wade will need to risk his heart—and the reputation of his farm—to prove that they're meant to be together.


This is such a cute story between a couple who never had any luck getting together in the past.  This is a heart-felt romance between two lost loves who made many mistakes during the past decade.  Running away never solves a thing and through this book, Kara realizes what is most important to her.

Yeah, there were times I really wanted to smack her upside her head because of her inability to just let the past stay where it belonged and that is “in the past”.  She continually recounted the mistakes she made and based her future and her happiness around that instead of seeing what was right in front of her face.

Kara comes back to Bella Warren to fix the mistakes she made in the past.  The first mistake was running away from her best friend and her brother Wade.  Kara has always had feelings for Wade but things didn't work out between them which led Kara to make one of the biggest mistakes in her life. 

The story continues with Kara trying to win back the hearts of the town along with putting right the mistakes of her past.  Wade doesn’t want this though – he can feel the sexual tension brewing between him and Kara and wants to take it to the next level.  Kara continually begs him off, pleading with him to work on getting their friendship back instead.

Nope…doesn't work – too much has transpired between the two of them….but what happens now?

Wrap Up

If you are looking for a cute romance with little angst…then this is a book for you – It’s a perfect book for those snowy or rainy days wrapped up in a blanket with your E-Reader in one hand and a cup of cocoa in the other!  Snuggle up with Kara and Wade and find out if they will ever get past the past :-)

About this Author

Keri Ford was raised in South Arkansas on a farm surrounded by family, horses, cows, donkeys, ostriches, emus, chickens, ducks, Canadian Geese, and enough dogs one would think they were a pound…and then she bought a Cosmopolitan when she was twenty-two. All it took was one excerpt of a sexy romantic suspense and her life would never be the same. Well, parts of it. She still lives on that farm.

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