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Friday, November 29, 2013

Sugar Babies - Mickey J. Corrigan

A Review by Carol

Book - Sugar Babies
Author - Mickey J. Corrigan
Publication Date - November 4, 2013
Type - Stand Alone
Genre - Romance, Suspense
Rating - 4 out of 5 Stars

Book provided by author in exchange for an honest review.


A sugar daddy can make your money woes disappear overnight. But for sugar babies, life is like a chocolate covered time bomb: sweet on the outside, deadly on the inside.

Young, beautiful, and hungry, Maire, Esme and Niki want what every woman wants: love, work, safe shelter, the bills paid off, a diamond-studded Rolex, and a two-bedroom condo with an ocean view. Working as sugar babies seems to be the only way to make this happen. But the sugar life is more dangerous than they thought.

Maire O’Rourke is too hot to handle herself properly. She tends to wear too tight clothes and too much make-up, but she’s got more than sex on her mind. She’s already landed one of the richest sugar daddies in Coconut City, a tropical paradise boasting more lonely men per multimillion dollar estate than just about anywhere else.

Sweet Esme Grant is a buxom blonde with a rough and tumble lover she’s left behind somewhere in hill country. She’s come to Coconut City in order to find herself a sugar daddy, a rich older man willing to fund her, along with her hometown boyfriend and their Mayberry-gone-bad dreams.

Niki Stephanopoulos, a dark, iconoclastic artist enrolled in a teaching certification program at Coconut College, struggles with depression fueled by guilt. She is embarrassed by her dependence on her family for the money she needs to survive. But she feels even worse after sleeping with her sexy, much older landlord when she’s short the rent.

Welcome to the secret lives of sugar babies. On the first day of the month, Maire, Esme and Niki struggle with overdue bills and sexy beaus. Readers can join them as they figure out ways to pay the rent, make decent love to indecent men, and stay upright on the rough road to happiness. Sugar Babies is a modern-day romance, a blue martini with a nasty twist. An intoxicating mystery steeped in social satire, the story of Esme, Niki and Maire is an all-American morality tale.


This book had me captivated from the moment I opened it. I loved how this story touched on 3 women's lives from different backgrounds and brought them together as friends and as pawns in a game of life and death.

I was surprised at how fast I got caught up in the story and was rooting for the girls to find the perfect "Sugar Daddy". I loved how each character either grew emotionally or failed to hold on and "sank".

This story is about 3 girls -

Maire is the seasoned sugar baby who is already set up and trying to make a go with a new company in which she sets up women with expecting sugar daddies.

Esme is beautiful and is looking for a rich man in order to finance her boyfriend's bar back home. She is to find an old man and send back money but instead she hooks a good looking rich man who at first she is in her glory but then she grows tired of him and the life. During this Esme learns that she isn't the redneck trailer park hick she always thought she was.

Nikki is in town to finish up her schooling in order to become a teacher. She doesn't have the money to fund her living arrangements so she tries to find another way to make it all work.

One of the girls ends up missing or possibly dead but then an entry from a diary is found from a Sugar Daddy stating that there were 3 girls - one he broke, one is dead and the other he married.

Wrap Up

I was scratching my head the whole time trying to figure out who this Sugar Daddy was and who was going to break and who was going to end up his wife.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat and moved very quickly during the last 30% of it...and boy was I surprised how it all ended!!

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