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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rewired (Progress #3) - Amy Queau

A Review by Carol

Book - Rewired (Progress #3)
Author - Amy Queau
Publication Date - October 14, 2013
Type - Part of Series 
Genre - Romance, Abuse
Rating - 4 1/2 out of 5 Stars


“Because if it weren’t for Jesse, I would have never been the girl you fell in love with.” -Charlie

Impasse: def. noun. 1. a situation in which no progress seems possible. 2. a difficult or puzzling situation from which there is no easy escape.

Charlie is about to find out how far into Jesse’s tormented past she needs to travel when she hops into his car, leaving the man she loves alone and searching for answers.

But Samuel’s a fighter. He’s not about to give up without an explanation. And he’s soon to discover events in Charlie’s past that offer reasons to her recent behavior. But will it be enough for him to want her back?

Unable to forgive herself for what she’s done to Samuel - and her crumbling future without him - Charlie’s solution is simple: Help Jesse open his mind and his heart, allowing him to trust someone for the first time in his life.

Rewired is the third and final book in The Progress Series.

Warning: This book contains sensitive material (including sexually explicit content, acts of graphic violence, language, and triggers) and may not be appropriate for all readers.


This book GUTTED me....ABSOLUTELY GUTTED me!!! I have followed Charlie and Jesse's story from the first book and even though Jesse was an asshole - I still rooted for him as the underdog. My poor poor Jesse has been through the ringer and it tore me up - I moped around the house so upset at the ending of this book because one of them had to get hurt. My heart broke over and over again.

I understand that Charlie deserved better and yeah she earned it....
but seriously couldn't Jesse be that for her. He loved her so much and I get it may have only been an obsessive kind of love....yeah and I get that he abused her time and time again and Sam was so PERFECT for her......but it still tore at my heart of who she chose.

I lived this book through Charlie and Sam...I got into their souls and felt the pain and torture they both lived through. I empathized with Charlie over her problems as a young adult and was right there with her feeling her pain. I cheered for Charlie when she became the strong woman we meet in Book 3 and fucking felt proud of her.

This is what an awesome author is capable of....getting the reader to walk right along the characters and experience the same feelings all around. My hats off to you Amy - you KICK ASS!!

Ohhh...the story....sorry - I'm getting to that - We pick up right after Book 2 where Charlie sent Sam back in to get her sweater and while he is inside - Charlie chooses Jesse to run off with.

Charlie vows to help him battle his bi-polar disorder and figure out what sets him off - but does Charlie really love him like Jesse loves her? We live that through the book - Charlie feels like she deserves this after cheating on Sam with Jesse and that she doesn't deserve the type of man that Sam is.

Charlie battles with Jesse - getting him to take his medication, getting to reconnect with his adopted parents, diving into his past and getting him to reopen all the old wounds of his past. Jesse continues to have his ups and his down - and let me tell you - when Jesse is down....SHIT that boy is way way down.

Charlie doesn't let Jesse walk all over her like before - she stands up to him and allows him to suck off her positive energy until it feels like Charlie is losing everything ---- is she really helping Jesse or is she just torturing herself.

Can Sam get past the cheating? or the abandonment? Who does Charlie really want to be with? Will Jesse ever break through the walls he built around his past trauma?

Wrap Up

Who ends up with who in the end? Will there be a HEA for Charlie? for Sam? for Jesse?

Pick this series up and get lost in the drama!

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