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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blog Tour/Review - Sexual Awakenings Vol 2 - The Tango by Angelica Chase

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Weeks passed without hearing from Rhys; then I received a text that shook me to my core.

The Barracks. One hour. RED

I lied, he’s angry, and I’m about to pay for my lie with a pound of flesh.


I wasn’t supposed to fall for him. He blurred the lines and I stepped right over. Now I was facing his wrath, and my undeniable feelings for him. I had to find a way to make things right.


Rhys felt threatened by my secret, but little did I know, he was hiding one of his own.



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Review by Bev

Holy mother of… Stars

This is the second book in the Sexual Awakenings Series and I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this one. I knew Rhys isn’t a man to be fucked with, so I had high hopes for the punishments he would dish out. Ladies and gentlemen, I was not disappointed.

Tango picks up where Waltz left off. Rhys knows Vi deceived him, and he is taking that lightly. Rhys wants Vi, he is crazy attracted to her and even saw a real future with her. No matter how much he may want to, he isn’t going to forget about what happened or easily trust her again. Violet has been receiving the silent treatment, so when she receives a text Barracks: RED, despite her fear she jumps at the chance to be with Rhys.

This installment begins with Rhys punishing Vi for her deception, and we see that despite everything he still wants her. In the Tango Rhys was sweet and compassionate, this Rhys is down right dirty and hardcore. I will just say that I am loving all sides of Rhys.

While reading this I was getting worried. I thought this series has taken a turn to Smutsville, and while I love Smutsville I had such high hopes for this series being more, and I wasn’t disappointed. This installment is fan yourself hot, while still having so much story and heart. I won’t go into any spoilers for anyone, I will just give you some facts.

Again I read this in a matter of minutes, I was quickly turning the page just waiting to see what would happen next. Then the ending, I have no idea where Ms. Chase is taking us, but I am 100% on board and can’t wait to see what happens next. If you were confused about why Rhys reacted the way he did in Tango in this installment you will see why. I complete understand his reason for needed to be able to completely trust someone. If you haven’t started this series I highly recommend jumping in! My only complaint…Angelica, I need more…ASAP!!!

ARC kindly provided by Angelica Chase in exchange for an honest review.


Sexual Awakening, The Waltz Volume 1 by Angelica Chase

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Sexual Awakenings for $0.99:
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You know what they say… One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

After sacrificing years of my life on a cheating husband, I'd had enough. I set out to quench a thirst I had ignored for years. I gave myself one year to explore my sexuality—to delve into my deepest, darkest desires. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, I would have my sexual revolution. I would have my … awakening.

Unsure of where to start, I took a risk to make myself seen. Little did I know, the man who saw me would give me everything I ever wanted, one sweet orgasm at a time.
Diving into the world of both pleasure and pain, I was sure with Rhys I had found what I’d been missing … until he took it away.

Filthy Erotic Romance. For Mature Audiences only. Extremely Explicit Sex. Strong Language.



Angelica Chase has added her 3rd and 4th book to her serial on Goodreads!

Make sure you add it.
The Last Dance (Sexual Awakenings #3)

Curtains (Sexual Awakenings #4)

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